10/30 – SMG Pumpkin Farm
SMG Pumpkin Farm is back with sugar pie pumpkins. TK-5th grade will pick a pumpkin to bring back to class to decorate, and middle school students who sign up will compete in a decorating contest. Schedule for picking up pumpkins on the softball field (1-3 playground):
SMG Pumpkin Patch: WED 10/30
Time | Grade |
8:10-8:30 | 1st Grade |
8:35-8:55 | Zavala/Hart PE (three 6th grade classes + one 7th grade class-only students who have signed up for the contest) |
9:10-9:30 | TK |
9:35-9:55 | Kindergarten |
10:00-10:20 | 2nd Grade |
10:25-10:45 | 4th Grade |
10:45-11:00 | Sanchez/Blakeley PE (three 8th grade classes – only students who have signed up for the contest) |
11:00-11:20 | 3rd Grade |
11:20-11:40 | Blakeley PE (two 7th grade classes – only students who have signed up for the contest) |
11:45-12:05 | 5th Grade |
12:15-12:45 | Middle School Decorating Time |
10/31 @ 2pm – SMG Halloween Parade Costume Guidelines
Parents can attend the parade that will be held at the 1-3 playground blacktop. Los padres pueden asistir al desfile que se llevará a cabo en el patio de recreo 1-3.
Costumes are allowed at school ONLY on Halloween Thursday 10/31. Just be sure to follow these guidelines:
- Your face must be visible and recognizable. No full-face masks, gory costumes, makeup that covers more than a quarter of your face.
- No weapons! Real or fake weapons, or any other dangerous items are not permitted. (i.e. no swords, knives, guns, ninja stars, nor bows and arrows.)
- All costumes must be respectful. Avoid any costume that may offend or make fun of someone. This includes culturally insensitive or sexually suggestive costumes.
- No containers of hair colors, fake blood, and/or paint are allowed on campus.
We are here to have fun. Please use good judgment: if you are questioning whether or not to bring or wear something, then don’t. Any and all items that violate these guidelines will be confiscated.
31/10 a las 2:00 pm: Pautas de disfraces para el desfile de Halloween de SMG
Los disfraces están permitidos en la escuela SOLAMENTE en Halloween jueves 10/31. Sólo asegúrese de seguir las siguientes reglas generales:
- Su cara debe ser visible y reconocible. No se permite máscaras de cara completa, disfraces sangrientos, maquillaje que cubre la cuarta parte de la cara o con maquillaje de sangre.
- ¡NO armas! No se permiten armas reales o simuladas, o cualquier otro objeto peligroso. (es decir, no espadas, cuchillos, armas de fuego, estrellas ninja, o arcos y flechas).
- Todos los disfraces deben ser respetuosos. Evite cualquier disfraz que pueda ofender o burlarse de alguien. Esto incluye disfraces culturales insensibles o sexualmente sugestivos.
- No se permite traer a la escuela contenedores de pintura para el cabello, sangre falsa, y / o pintura.
Estamos aquí para divertirnos. Por favor, use el buen juicio: si está cuestionando si traer o no llevar algo, entonces no lo haga. Todos y cada uno de los artículos que violen estas pautas serán confiscados.