Halloween Events

10/30 – SMG Pumpkin Farm

SMG Pumpkin Farm is back with sugar pie pumpkins. TK-5th grade will pick a pumpkin to bring back to class to decorate, and middle school students who sign up will compete in a decorating contest. Schedule for picking up pumpkins on the softball field (1-3 playground):

SMG Pumpkin Patch: WED 10/30

8:10-8:301st Grade
8:35-8:55Zavala/Hart PE (three 6th grade classes + one 7th grade class-only students who have signed up for the contest)
10:00-10:202nd Grade
10:25-10:454th Grade
10:45-11:00Sanchez/Blakeley PE (three 8th grade classes – only students who have signed up for the contest)
11:00-11:203rd Grade
11:20-11:40Blakeley PE (two 7th grade classes – only students who have signed up for the contest)
11:45-12:055th Grade
12:15-12:45Middle School Decorating Time

10/31 @ 2pm – SMG Halloween Parade Costume Guidelines

Parents can attend the parade that will be held at the 1-3 playground blacktop. Los padres pueden asistir al desfile que se llevará a cabo en el patio de recreo 1-3.

Costumes are allowed at school ONLY on Halloween Thursday 10/31. Just be sure to follow these guidelines:
  1. Your face must be visible and recognizable. No full-face masks, gory costumes, makeup that covers more than a quarter of your face.
  2. No weapons! Real or fake weapons, or any other dangerous items are not permitted. (i.e. no swords, knives, guns, ninja stars, nor bows and arrows.)  
  3. All costumes must be respectful. Avoid any costume that may offend or make fun of someone. This includes culturally insensitive or sexually suggestive costumes.  
  4. No containers of hair colors, fake blood, and/or paint are allowed on campus.

We are here to have fun. Please use good judgment: if you are questioning whether or not to bring or wear something, then don’t. Any and all items that violate these guidelines will be confiscated. 

31/10 a las 2:00 pm: Pautas de disfraces para el desfile de Halloween de SMG

Los disfraces están permitidos en la escuela SOLAMENTE en Halloween jueves 10/31. Sólo asegúrese de seguir las siguientes reglas generales:
  1. Su cara debe ser visible y reconocible. No se permite máscaras de cara completa, disfraces sangrientos, maquillaje que cubre la cuarta parte de la cara o con maquillaje de sangre.
  2. ¡NO armas! No se permiten armas reales o simuladas, o cualquier otro objeto peligroso. (es decir, no espadas, cuchillos, armas de fuego, estrellas ninja, o arcos y flechas).
  3. Todos los disfraces deben ser respetuosos. Evite cualquier disfraz que pueda ofender o burlarse de alguien. Esto incluye disfraces culturales insensibles o sexualmente sugestivos.
  4. No se permite traer a la escuela contenedores de pintura para el cabello, sangre falsa, y / o pintura.

Estamos aquí para divertirnos. Por favor, use el buen juicio: si está cuestionando si traer o no llevar algo, entonces no lo haga. Todos y cada uno de los artículos que violen estas pautas serán confiscados.

11/1 – Ofrenda Shoebox Project

11/1 @ 6-8pm – SMG Middle School Costume Dance Party