Lotería y Juegos

What is Lotería y Juegos?

The SMG Lotería y Juegos event is a beloved family and community tradition! It combines the excitement of carnival-style games, Loteria (Mexican Bingo), and delicious food, offering fun for everyone.

To help raise funds for each grade level, students and families are encouraged to host a game or activity at the event. All money raised at their table goes directly back to their grade for additional supplies or field trips.

Proceeds from food sales, sponsorships, and Loteria will support the HSC general fund, which helps provide classroom supplies, field trip fees, Student Council activities, middle school athletics, and family events like Breakfast Buddies!

Last year HSC raised $6500 with $2959 going directly back to grade levels that coordinated and hosted a game/activity! Way to go!

¡El evento SMG Lotería y Juegos es una querida tradición familiar y comunitaria! Combina la emoción de los juegos estilo carnaval, la Lotería (Bingo Mexicano) y la deliciosa comida, ofreciendo diversión para todos.

Para ayudar a recaudar fondos para cada grado, se anima a los estudiantes y las familias a organizar un juego o actividad en el evento. Todo el dinero recaudado en su mesa va directamente a su grado para suministros adicionales o excursiones.

Las ganancias de las ventas de alimentos, patrocinios y Lotería apoyarán el fondo general de HSC, que ayuda a proporcionar útiles escolares, tarifas de excursiones, actividades del Consejo Estudiantil, atletismo de secundaria y eventos familiares, como compañeros de desayuno!

¡El año pasado, HSC recaudó $6500 y $2959 se destinaron directamente a los niveles de grado que coordinaron y organizaron un juego/actividad! ¡Así se hace!


Sign up to run a game and raise funds for your grade level during Lotoría y Juegos! Don’t do it alone – we encourage parents to work together.

Proceeds from each booth go directly to your students’ grade level.

Learn more and sign up in the link below.

We encourage parents to work together to run a booth (or 2 or 3!) for their grade level, at our Loteria event on Friday, September 27th.  

Parents are in charge of: 

  • Communicating with one another to come up with a game
  • Signing up below for the game
  • Working together to come on Friday September 27th
  • Getting up the game so it’s ready by 4:30 to play! 

HSC will provide: 

  • table and some chairs, 
  • a box to collect tickets, 
  • and tokens to give to winners.  


  • We would like each game to have a canopy pop up, 
  • a poster board displayed with the grade level and game name.  
  • Parents can coordinate running shifts for game 
    • collect a ticket for someone to play, 
    • distributing tokens if they win your game. 
  • You do not need to bring prizes, but more popular booths have their own prize too!

Tickets will be turned in at the end of the event, to Caitlin Thorburn or Jane Winchell.  Those tickets will go into the grade level fund for future field trip, supplies, etc…

See what other games are running by grade.

Volunteer Sign Up / Regístrate como voluntario

Loterìa PRIZE donations needed!
¡Se necesitan donaciones para los premios de Lotería!

Take a look around your house, donate new or gently used, big or small gifts for children and adults to WIN! Toys, games, home decor, candles, bath sets and MORE! Please drop off prizes in the office Monday 9/16-9/27

Also, we are requesting food donations by grade:

  • Middle School (6-8th) Tortilla Chips
  • Elementary School (TK-5th) – Drinks: Canned Soda, juice boxes, Shelf Stable Milk (like Horizon)

Please drop off food to office from 9/23-9/27

¡Puede buscar en casa por obsequios que tenga nuevos o poco usados, grandes o pequeños, para que niños y adultos GANEN! ¡Juguetes, juegos, decoración del hogar, juegos de baño, velas y MÁS! Por favor, deje los premios en la oficina el lunes 9/16-9/29

También, estamos solicitando donaciones de alimentos por grado:

  • Escuela secundaria (6.º a 8.º grado): tortillas fritas
  • Escuela primaria (TK a 5.º grado): bebidas: refrescos de lata, jugo en caja , leche no perecedera (como Horizon)

Deje los alimentos en la oficina del 23 al 27 de septiembre.

Performances 5-5:30 pm

Performances at outdoor stage by: Third Grade, TK, Kinder, and Folklorico by Ms. Uzzell’s class. Please reach out to teachers for information.


Purchase your tickets in advance!

Salsa Tasting Competition

Think you can make the tastiest salsa? San Martin Gwinn’s 4th Annual Salsa Tasting Competition will be held at Lotoría y Juegos. There are three categories to compete in: (1) Red, (2) Green, and (3) Too Hot to Handle. We are limiting the entries per category, so sign up ASAP with the form below. For questions, please call Carlie at (530) 383-2916.

Carnival Games, Loteria, Food, Prizes, Entertainment
Juegos de Carnival, Loteria, Comida, Premios, Eentretenimiento

Friday, September 27,
4:30-7:30 pm
viernes, 27 de septiembre,

4:30-7:30 pm

SMG Cafeteria
Patio de juegos de grado inferior

Caitlin Thorburn at 707-364-0331 or [email protected]

4:30-7:30 pm – Games & Food / Juegos y Comida
4:30-6:45 pm – Salsa tasting & Voting/ Salsa y Votar
5:00-5:30 pm – Entertainment on the outdoor stage/ Entretenimiento en el escenario al aire libre
5:30-7 pm – Silly Ricky’s Juggling Fun
6-7 pm – Loteria in the cafeteria/ Loteria en la cafeteria
7 pm – Salsa winner announced/ Anunciante ganador de salsa